Tailor-made learning programmes are based on preliminary screening of company’s current situation as well as the needs of each employee and focus on overcoming specific challenges within the company. In addition to the rich and wholesome content an even more important added value is gaining new ideas, increasing employees’ loyalty, creating better relationships (including making new friendships) and fostering cooperation between employees.
CONTACT USThe fusion of our well known, agile, and innovative Center, organisation-specific content and partnership approach, makes our tailor made programme a unique learning experience.
As a market leader in organizing customized business academies, together with field experts and faculty team members we design programmes tailored to company objectives to build specific skill sets that companies need to achieve effectiveness, high performance and financial success.
The result is an integrated solution that allows organizations to cascade the knowledge from top executives, middle management or individuals in the organizations, facilitating harmonised transformation across business functions, improved organizational culture, employee satisfaction – in a very short period of time.
One or two day (even just a few hours) of intense and interactive tailored made educational programmes designed to meet specific company needs – for individuals or selected group of employees.
Intensive, long term tailored made educational programmes with several integrated modules designed to meet specific company needs with interactive delivery, real business cases, simulations as well as constant dialogue, self-reflection and feedback loops that are systematically integrated in the programmes.
Language: Slovenian / English
Language: Slovenian / English
Language: Slovenian / English
Language: Slovenian / English
Language: Slovenian / English
Language: English
Language: Slovenian / English
Language: Slovenian / English
Language: Slovenian / English
Language: English
Language: Slovenian / English
Language: Slovenian / English
Language: Slovenian / English
Language: Slovenian / English
Language: Slovenian
Language: Slovenian / English
Language: Slovenian / English
Language: Slovenian / English
Language: Slovenian / English
Language: Slovenian / English
Language: Slovenian / English
Language: Slovenian
E: masa.madon@ef.uni-lj.si
T: +386 1 5892 439