Kardeljeva ploščad 17
1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia
Maša is the director of CPOEF, who constantly seeks development opportunities alongside her work, as an assistant at UL SEB, a provider of communication workshops, Innovative All-nighter project leaders (the Student Business Hackathon, which annually brings together 300 students and 8 Slovenian companies), the project leader of the Young Heroes mentorship programme (Global Shapers Community Ljubljana, the World Economic Forum initiative) and others. All in all, Maša is very active, and social, loves to network and meet new people and above all she has the energy to power the whole team.
Maša’s passion is to connect, socialize and travel. With a cup of good coffee or a glass of wine.
Monika has been a part of the story of the School of Economics and Business (SBE) for more than 20 years. And even though she entered the business world for a while, she was quickly drawn back to the SBE. She was attracted by its international orientation, its excellency and a desire to improve the institution. The common denominator of her career path is the development of strong ties between academia and business. She is a group leader, a person who fosters cooperation between different worlds and understands the power of sales and marketing; she is a generator of new ideas, a creator of value-added content, full of joy, yet responsible. In addition, she takes on the role of a moderator at various events and occasionally, but as food for her soul, she facilitates communication workshops for a range of target groups.
Maja spent the last year of her studies in Graz, completing her International Business Programme. In the past, she has worked as the head of the marketing projects at BMW and MINI, but decided to start creating successful stories within the Centre of Business Excellence as MBA programme manager. She is passionate about sustainable projects and people development and tries to implement this in her everyday work and private life, which combines family, two young boys, lots of nature, friends and good-quality food.
Alma is an alumnus of the School of Economics and Business, University of Ljubljana (SEB UL). Since she loves to travel and work in an international environment, she started her professional career in the Department for International Cooperation at the SEB UL. She successfully worked in the field of the internationalization of higher education for 7 years. She loves to challenge herself and be outside her comfort zone, so she decided to make a shift and join the Center for Business Excellence (CBE), where she became part of a very creative and energetic team. Within the CPOEF, she works as a project manager for SRIP tourism.
As an adult educator Monika is advocate for lifelong education and learning, especially she is close to business education to which she devotes her entire career path. She is open, communicative and she likes good relationships with people, striving to satisfaction of participants and clients. She joined the CPOEF team as responsible for open educational programmes and in-company programmes. Her motto is carpe diem, in this style also lives and cultivates the joy of life. She is a fan of good books, films, travel and exploration.
A technology enthusiast. Loves to hang out with data. Responsible for open educational programmes at the CBE. He likes short sentences.
After four years of adventuring abroad for her studies and work, Jana decided to put her knowledge of business and psychology into practice and join the CPOEF as Career Services Coordinator. Her role is to help companies build their employer brand and match them with students through different recruiting events. She is the kind of person who puts on a yellow coat on a rainy day, bringing the sun into the office. She is positive, adventurous, open-minded, her office is full of plants and she pesters everyone to do sports.
After 15 years of working in business education, Manca returned to the School of Economics and Business, where she graduated in marketing. During her studies, she spent two semesters abroad – in Copenhagen and Lisbon – which gave her an unforgettable international experience. She joined CPOEF as part of the Career Centre and Alumni EF team.
Taja merged her love for marketing, travelling and baking during her studies as she decided to gain international experience in Paris. Directlly upon her return to Slovenia, she created her own marketing agency, jumped into the crypto world (ICO) and on top of that, started to co-create the story of a wellness and sports centre in her hometown. Her role within the CPOEF is digital marketing and the coordination of the Alumni club of the School of Economics and Business. She loves diverse and dynamic work but also likes to detach from it by going on long walks with her puppy Ollie.
After many years working various jobs in different fields, David joined the CBE team in 2019 as the office manager. Punctuality and his love for numbers are the traits that help him overcome daily challenges.
An insatiable hunger for new knowledge drives him to never-ending learning, his favourite subjects being history and science. There is no better place for him to relax than the great outdoors; he also enjoys cooking and inventing new foods. He adores the spicy chilli sauces he adds to virtually every meal he consumes.
Most of the days she spends at the School of Economics and Business, attending lectures, student association meetings, or in the CPOEF office, where she writes articles, manages the website, and database, and helps organise educational programs and events. In her free time, she likes to explore European cities and enjoy good food.
Besides business, she is also interested in Psychology. Hence, her wish to adventure into the world of Neuromarketing. She loves to bake and plan future travelling adventures. Since she joined the CBE, she realized that event management is her passion.
Urša started her career in tourism, continued in recruitment, and found her career in an event organisation. Working with people and creativity are the most important parts of her career and her life. When she is not busy finishing her studies, she enjoys reading a good book, enjoying good food, or visiting some of Slovenia’s best spots.
From marketing to event organisation, from podcasting to EF alumni networking – these are Katarina’s main roles within the CPOEF. Outside the office, she can be found in the mountains, on a plane on her way to a new destination, or at a concert, as music is a big part of her everyday life.